Jyväskylä Christian Institute

JKO offers vocational education, studies in the free oriented folk high school programmes, comprehensive school studies for adults and different extra class study programmes. Vocational education includes national degree in education, in cleaning and maintenance services and for church vergers and for funeral home business workers. In the folk high school study programmes you can focus on graphic design, music, theater or interior design. We also organize further education courses and short courses on various current topics in many fields. JKO offers modern, high quality premises and catering for meetings and festivities, and also peaceful and cozy accommodation close to the Jyväskylä city center.

More information

  • Location

    We are in Jyväskylä, 268 km to the north from Helsinki in Central Finland with good traffic connections: a railway station and several daily long-distance express bus lines from Helsinki airport and city center.

  • Characteristic features
    • Our school was founded in 1942 and is owned by a private NGO foundation
    • We have about 520 student
    • We respect Christian values, but our school has international students and staff with many cultural, ethnic and religious backgrounds
    • We have regional, national and international network
    • In our campus area we offer excellent facilities (a library with PCs and internet, free Wi-Fi, a restaurant)
    • Our school dormitories offer accommodation for 40 students and hostel guests in double rooms, and also studio flats with private kitchenettes and bathrooms
    • Our school has a great diversity: we have about 150 migrant students from 25 different countries with 19 different languages
  • Education


    Vocational education with national degrees

    • Vocational Qualification in Education and Guidance (work as a  Youth and Community Instructor or as a Children´s Instructor in kindergartens)
    • Further Vocational Qualification in Education and Guidance (work as a Learning Support Assistant/Morning and Afternoon Club Activity Instructor or as a Childminder at a family day care)
    • Further Vocational Qualification in Cleaning and Property Services (work as a personal assistant, a home aid, a cleaner or a janitor)
    • Further Vocational Qualification in Parish and Funeral Services (work as a verger or a cemetery caretaker, or as an employee in customer service in a funeral home in funeral services)


    Free-oriented youth and adult education

    • Interior design
    • Theater
    • Visual design
    • Music


    Comprehensive school for young and adult students

    • Comprehensive school studies for adult students (basic skills, lower level, upper level)


  • Accomodation, conference and festivity services
    • Accommodation services in hostel flats in a peaceful environment near the city center
    • A lovely restaurant with 120 seats for catering services and an assembly hall and facilities for private family gatherings as weddings and birthday parties
    • Comfortable facilities for business meetings, seminars, community gatherings and concerts
    • Weekend and summer courses on various topics
    • Further education and leadership courses
  • Vision and strategy for the Future
    • We have international cooperation in Erasmus+- projects and in Unesco ASPNET- School network
    • We focus on global citizenship and sustainable development according to UN Agenda 2030 goals
    • We have efficient cooperation models with the working life
    • We use digital facilities both in teaching and in learning

International Projects

The services for employees and companies coordinate, plan and act in different development projects. The important role play various projects which are implemented with other Finnish and international educational organizations and employees. JKO has in these projects either the role of a coordinator or the role of a partner.

We have several development projects which are financed by the Ministry of Education and the National Board of Education, and also some mobility and partnership projects under the Erasmus+ programme.


  • Nelikko-consortium Erasmus+ KA1 VET for vocational education 1.6.2024-31.8.2026

    The vocational study program students on the child care study program can have their practical training period (on- the-job learning) to another EU country to kindergartens, schools, clubs, camps or church activities. Their teacher may follow to observe and support them to the work places in staff mobility and also contact the employers interested in offering new internships. The coordinator is Linnasmäki institute in Turku, Finland.

  • Allianssi-consortium Erasmus+ KA1 VET for vocational education 1.6.2024-31.8.2026

    The Erasmus+KA1 project for the staff and the students in vocational education (VET). In the project the staff (youth work assistant, kindergarten assistant) can attend in staff mobility to help their students of the vocational studies having their work practice in a work place in another EU country. The students fulfill the student mobility in training in another EU country. The project time is 2024-2026. The coordinator in the consortium is Alliance organization, Finland and the finance comes via Finnish National Erasmus Agency in Helsinki.


JKO offers modern, high quality premises and catering for meetings and festivities, and also peaceful and cozy accommodation close to the Jyväskylä city center.

Education for immigrants

Study programmes

  • Study programme of LITERACY LEVEL (Basic Skills studies), LUK
    • This study programme is meant for the adults who are over 17 years old and have no skills in literacy and numeracy, or the skills are very limited. The students usually can not read and write in Finnish.
    • The study programme includes the basic skills of the comprehensive school studies (grades 1-6) or skills suitable for the working life.
    • The student will get a personal study plan and the length of the studies is adjusted to its objectives.
    • The study programme includes school subjects, as literacy courses, Finnish as a second language, numeracy and mathematics, social studies, environmental studies and knowledge of the Finnish culture and working life. The student also receives career counselling.
    • The study programme is one year (10 months).
    • The study programme includes 27 courses (one course has 28 contact lessons).



    • study materials
    • one warm school lunch daily


    No school fee.
    The lessons are in Finnish.

  • Study programme of LOWER LEVEL, APA
    • The study programme is meant for adults over 17 years old , who have only few prior classes of the comprehensive school studies or they lack certain parts of it. The students have gaps or challenges in skills of lower level studies.
    • The student gets a personal study plan, which includes school subjects, as Finnish as a second language, mathematics, IT technology, environmental studies, social studies and English.
    • In the beginning of this study programme the student should have skills of the Finnish language about on the level A1.3 on Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CERF).
    • The study programme is 1-1,5 years (10-15 months).
    • The study programme includes 38 courses (one course has 28 contact lessons).



    • study materials
    • one warm school lunch daily


    No school fee.
    The lessons are in Finnish.

  • Study programme of UPPER LEVEL (Graduation level), AIPE
    • This study programme is meant for adults over 17 years old, who have only few prior classes of the comprehensive school studies or they lack certain parts
      of it. The students have gaps or challenges in skills of upper level studies.
    • The student has a personal study plan.
    • The goal of this study programme is to achieve the graduation of the National Finnish comprehensive school or to improve the grades in the certificate.
    • The study programme is also suitable for adults who want to add one or more courses in one school subject.
    • It is also possible to improve grades of the comprehensive school certificate. The separate courses have a fee.
    • The level of the Finnish language should be about A2.2. in the beginning of the studies.
    • The study programme is 1,5-2 years.
    • The study programme has 46 courses (one course has 28 contact lessons).



    • study materials
    • one warm school lunch daily


    No school fee.
    The lessons are in Finnish.

  • Literacy study programme KTT

    This study programme is for the migrant adults older than 17 years, who did not have the possibility to get enough education in their home country to meet the challenges of the Finnish society in studies, working life and practical daily activities.

    Besides the literacy courses, the study programme supports the student´s whole integration process  in the society.

    In the beginning of the studies  the starting level of the student´s knowledge and skills is checked. It includes information of the educational background, skills in the Finnish language, mathematics, communication and learning strategies, and work experience.  The student gets the personal studying plan, which is updated during the studies.

    The courses of art help the migrant student to meet the mixed feelings, to strengthen the self esteem and identity. The language of art is international and in artistic activities there is no language barrier or it is very low.

    The main goal of the study programme is to support the student to become an active, future oriented, self-imposed, social and responsible citizen.  The study programme helps the student to continue to further education.

    The content of the study programme:

    • literacy courses
    • numeracy courses
    • art and culture courses
    • social studies
    • integration courses
    • studying skills and career counselling

    The school fee:

    • The lessons, studying materiais and one warm lunch on school days are free
    • It is possible to stay in a double room in the school dormitory on school days (Monday-Friday)
    • There is no accommodation in dormitories at weekends and school holidays
    • The accommodation is primarily for the students with a long distance to school.
  • More information

    How to apply:

    • Fill in the application form on the internet on web page jko.fi.
    • You can also ask for the application form from the school secretary at the school office.
    • You will get a personal invitation to an interview.




    tel. +358447522716


Principal Mr Harri Erkamaa
harri.erkamaa(at)jko.fi, tel. +358 44 7522 764

International Coordinator:
Ms Anna-Liisa Vallipuro
anna-liisa.vallipuro(at)jko.fi, tel. +358 50 3899 641

School Secretaries:

Accommodation and bookings:
Ms Katriina Holma
kokouspalvelut(at)jko.fi, tel. +358143348000